News And Events

Aagaz Freshers Day 2022-23

09Sep 2022

As a Part of whole hearted welcome ceromony of new plus one batch students, Freshers day was arranged in an organized and well planned under the aegis of Al Kalima Students' Union 2021-22 committee. Aagaz function was inaugurated by Admirable Principal Usthad Abid Hudavi Thachanna and blessed with the presence of other dignitaries like Moideen kutty Ashrafi, Rashid Wafy Iringattiri, Rashid Wafy Akkode, Nafih Hudavi Akkode, Suhail Wafy kariparambu, Ayisha Hannath Virippadam, Husna Marjan Pallipadi and Farsana cheekode.

The function was quite absorbing with various programmes.Totally, New batoolianz filled with a new and extra energy..

Batooliyya..... Al Batool Cheekode

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